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Netflix Secret Codes

Netflix Secret Codes

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Want to unlock all the additional content that Netflix offers but their algorithm isn't showing you? All you ha...

The World’s Richest Man Was Worth How Much?!

The World’s Richest Man Was Worth How Much?! Who is the world’s richest man? Most people would probably think Jeff Bezos right? While they’re not wrong by today's standards, there is someone who was even richer! I’ll tell you his net worth at the end of the article.

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The Disturbing History of Real-Life Gulags

The Disturbing History of Real-Life Gulags If you’re a Call of Duty Warzone fan, then you’re probably familiar with the term GULAG. But do you know the disturbing history behind what the GULAG actually was?

The Mysterious Case of DB Cooper

The Mysterious Case of DB Cooper

On November 24, 1971, a middle-aged man by the name of Dan Cooper, aka DB Cooper, used cash to buy a flight from Portland International Airport to Seattle, Washington.

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